All posts tagged: vintage

What Jess Wore 004

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Fashion / Personal Style

My health is finally starting to look up after nearly a week of bed rest, refreshing nature walks, and ridiculous amounts of vegetable soup. Thank goodness for this return to wellness- life is about to get very busy, I can’t afford to be rundown. Just two more weeks of work work work, then I’m off to Cairns for some much needed vitamin D, before returning home to start university. I’m going to be studying archaeology […]

Home in Photos

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Happenings / Home / Places

Hi guys! Long time, little chat. I’ve been busy busy busy working and playing and going to the Blue Mountains (more on that to come!) and have therefore been vair slack with le blog. Now I’m home in the Northern Rivers and while the weather isn’t as delightful as I had hoped (rainy, windy, but still nice and warm!), I am so happy to have some time to sit around, relax, and write- especially in […]

Suburban Treasure Hunt

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Adventures / Happenings / Life

I’ve always enjoyed the thrill of thrift shopping, building stories around discarded items, and searching through a sea of forgotten garments to find that perfect piece. This treasure hunt, founded on the trash of strangers, has taken me to garage sales, market stalls, expansive op shops (Savers <3), and, most recently, suburban Melbourne: ’tis the season for hard rubbish, and my local streets are lined with everything from chipped 1970s crockery to taxidermy foxes to dining […]

Florals to the Max

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Fashion / Personal Style

Meet my new favourite silhouette: the maxi.  One of the benefits of being a giantess is my ability to wear long dresses without being swamped. Even long dresses covered in loud, floral prints. I am loving this vintage number I picked up from my favourite local op-shop, the Lygon St/Brunswick Rd Brotherhood of St Laurence (highly recommend to all those in Melbourne!) For just $20, I think its a pretty sweet deal- perfect for a day of […]